Why you’re here
You’re here because you want something.
To try something different. To do something bigger. To change and evolve into something new.
I know this because you weren’t born to play small or play it safe.
You were born to create, to carve, to lead, to disrupt.
Your birth is actually a pretty important part of this journey, and not just for the obvious reason. You entered this world a blank canvas, full of creative potential and every wild possibility.
In the days and years that followed that fateful day, life happened.
Your fantastically powerful brain organized and codified every single experience, programming your behaviors to align with the reality you constructed piece by piece. It’s how you learned to avoid things like hot stove burners, sharp knives, and heartbreak. It’s how you managed to cross streets and not cross your boss.
At its basic, biological core, this conscious programming is designed to keep you safe and alive. It’s also designed to keep you the same, wrapped in the security of what’s Known. It sources its power from its ability to predict results, and its self-assured nature is what forms the essence of who we think we are, how we feel, and what we think we can and can’t do.
And you’re here because you know better.
You’re here because something deep within you knows so much more is possible—and completely within your ability to achieve. You’re here because that “more” is burning a hole in your chest and keeping you up at night.
You’re here because you’re “stuck”—the special word high-performers use when their conscious programming conflicts with the need for critical growth that sparks from meaningful, and sometimes contradictory, insights.
You’re here because you feel this “wall” more profoundly than others because you travel higher and faster than most.
You’re here because your conscious programming is currently in overdrive, and you’re feeling all the things—frustration, exhaustion, guilt, insecurity, imposter phenomenon, anxiety, and more.
Because you’re on the verge of something BIG—and that Unknown could change everything. And to a conscious brain that’s wired for consistency and predictability, that’s a huge threat. So it’s throwing everything it can at you so you stay exactly where you are.
To be clear, the conscious mind is not “bad.” It has an excellent reason to protect you. You’re awesome—just the way you are. You should totally stick around.
You also shouldn’t settle for anything less than freaking amazing.
Which is exactly why I’’m here.
“You made such a huge impact in my life during a very difficult time. You took it slow with me and got to know me as a person. Also, the fact that you kept me honest when it came to the commitment of time during our coaching period.”
Senior Resources Business Partner
South Africa
Who I am and What I do
Imagine if you could harness all the power of that conscious programming and channel it into the life you want instead of the life you have.
What could happen if you aligned, organized, and disciplined your mind so that it worked with you instead of against you?
My name is Candace, and that’s exactly what I help you do.
As an executive coach for women, I help business owners, CEOs, and professional leaders change the trajectory of their lives through applied neuroscience, breathwork, strategic planning, and embedded practice.
Like you, my success is largely a product of my life experiences, chosen fields of study, and intentional choices.
In addition to owning several businesses, I have a triple-accredited MBA from Henley Business School and was awarded the position of Executive Fellow to the University of Reading in 2019.
I understand the intricacies of starting, scaling, and thriving throughout the entrepreneurial journey.
A certified coach with over 13,000 hours of coaching and facilitation experience, instructing both clients and other coaches in leadership and personal development.
I focus on resilience and stress reduction as a way to free your mind to greater opportunities and outcomes in life, business, relationships, and more.
Conflict Resolution
As a professional divorce, family, and workplace mediator, I have successfully negotiated high-stakes conflict—making me the person you want in your corner when you are getting in your own way.
Together, we’ll clarify your “non-negotiables” so you can set the right boundaries and fast-track your success.
Brain Science &
I am a Certified Healing Breathwork Facilitator, endorsed by the International Breathwork Foundation. I also hold certifications in the neuroscience of confidence, neuroscience of stress, resilience and emotional regulation, and the neuroscience of decision making and planning.
My Approach
My focus, deep interest, and active work in breath and brain science make me different from other coaches.
We’re more than just what we think and how we feel—and there are ways to have better control of both. I firmly believe that if you understand your brain and your breath, you can use them to your advantage—and that’s what I help my clients do.
In addition, I’m a firm believer in doing my own work—supervision, therapy, accountability, and more.
I would never encourage you to do anything I wouldn’t do or don’t personally believe will work.
My approach combines the above certifications, qualifications, and experiences to deliver a robust system of intentional transformation in four-month performance cycles—our High-Impact Revolutions.
First we build knowledge, understanding, and insights.
Then we create space for strategic growth and identify opportunities to practice.
So that we create real and lasting change
Find out more about how we’ll work together.
Throughout your entire journey, I’ll be there to motivate and push you.
I’ll hold you to the life you want and to the choices that will make it your reality. I’ll grip your hand when it gets hard, and I’ll kick your butt when you’re making excuses instead of progress.
I’ll be there when you slip up,
when you widen your stance and grit your teeth,
and when you finally smash that glass ceiling you’ve been bumping your nose against for years.
I would love nothing more than to be riding shotgun with a map on my lap and my foot out of the window—while you are sitting in the driver’s seat of your life, confidently wielding the wheel.
“I am seeing more and more ‘fly by night’ coaches these days, so your extensive background and studies set you apart.”
Senior Vice President Financial Services
South Africa
A Quick Note
While I’m confident my approach will work for almost anyone, it is uniquely suited for high-achieving women who:
Seek knowledge, feedback, and progress (not perfection)
Welcome new ideas and experiences, even if they are a little uncomfortable and unconventional.
Have achieved success on their own, and now seek faster, stronger methods.
Make decisions from a place of self-awareness and courage rather than one of fear.
Understand and own the connection between choices and actions—and outcomes.
Those looking for quick fixes, external solutions, and validated excuses are not suited for my programs.
How Coaching Works
Breakthrough Coaching: Four Essential Truths
Understand how coaching programs work (and why they sometimes fail).
No 1.
There are no quick fixes or magic pills for personal growth.
What’s more—coaches can’t do it for you (and the good ones will tell you so).
Even I—with all my experience in applied neuroscience, mediation, leadership coaching, and personal growth—cannot “fix” your problems. I simply help you adjust your thinking and your approach, and your problems “fix” themselves.
Personal growth is rarely easy or effortless. It’s tough to look at your life and face the hard-wired experiences, decisions, and forces driving harmful choices and behaviors. But once you are aware of their impact—and your powerful ability to choose a different outcome—the effect is phenomenal and transformative.
I promise you won’t find the answers you seek on Google or social media or in a feel-good free resource on someone’s blog. There are no quick fixes for the deep, inherent, and eternal wisdom and lasting change you seek.
The good news? The answers you want are so much closer than your computer—you’ve actually had them all along. Tapping into your inner wisdom takes time, an open mind, a ready stance, and an experienced professional coach to guide you.
My role in your journey is to give you the knowledge, tools, support, and the ever-so-occasional kick in the pants so that you find what you need and get what you want.
“If you’re looking for a shallow ‘feel-good’ coach, Candace is not it. What she will offer you though is incredibly powerful and incisive breakthroughs that will transform your work and life. Highly recommended!”
CEO & Founder of Rewired Global
No 2.
You don’t need to sit on top of a mountain in celibate silence or take mind-altering drugs to create inner clarity and phenomenal insights.
In my experience, the most meaningful breakthroughs announce themselves in a flash of clarity, light, and profound meaning.
This is one of the (many) ways my methods depart from conventional coaches.
By combining applied neuroscience with activating breathwork, we can actually short-circuit the neural nets that have established what we’ve determined as “true” for us—and open up an incredible new reality in ways you’ve never imagined.
Our current reality, after all, is grounded in our perceptions, experiences, and learned behaviors. It is no more real than the life we have yet to achieve—at some point we decided “this is how it is,” and, based on that, we aligned our behaviors and choices accordingly.
Once we understand this, we can reframe and reprogram our brain to reconstruct a new set of truths based on our new knowledge, awareness, and desired outcomes.
This isn’t “manifesting,” mind you—it’s much more powerful than that. You cannot think your way to becoming and having everything you want. You have to act and be that person. You have to see the path forward and choose to take it.
And each choice is as simple and as difficult as you want to make it.
This is why I’m here to help—to make sure you don’t make it harder than it has to be.
“I chose Candace as has such a beautifully reassuring presence in all that she does and I just knew that I would be in safe hands whilst trying something a little outside my comfort zone.”
Business Owner
No 3.
You have everything you need to make the changes you want.
What you may not have is the insight, the right use of time, or the proper knowledge to do it completely or effectively on your own.
If I didn’t have faith you could do it, I wouldn’t be here—you showing up and doing the work is half of the reason this approach works so well.
The other half is all that you don’t know—yet.
Our work together is a combination of your unique experiences and insights and my educational background and expert guidance.
You’ll achieve what you want faster because I’m saving you from the pitfalls, roadblocks, distractions, and excuses that often occur on a self-guided journey.
You’ll get unstuck making changes that stick because I won’t sugarcoat your progress or let you slip into old destructive patterns.
And you’ll enter into this new phase of life with confidence because you will own every choice you make with radical, relentless, resilient accountability. You’ll understand on an almost cellular level how much of your life is in your power to change and create.
This is why powerful people like you invest in world-class breakthrough coaching. Because you know you were meant for more—and together, we can get there faster and with a higher degree of sustained success.
No 4.
You deserve high-impact results.
When you decide to work with a coach, you should feel confident you are getting what you paid for.
Coaching is a vastly unregulated industry, where some coaches can receive a certification for $75 from Udemy or a $20,000 qualification from a business school. This training alone doesn’t guarantee the results you want.
To increase your chances of success, look for a coach who has the following:
Testimonials that reflect the transformation you seek and the results you’re after. Past clients and previous experiences always leave clues—and so does success.
Philosophical alignment. Breakthroughs are elusive enough—if you don’t emotionally and intellectually resonate with your coach, getting the results you want becomes harder, not easier.
Verifiable (and personally proven) qualifications. An effective coach practices what they preach; they not only have strong social proof that what they do works—they’ve gone the distance and done the “hard yards” for themselves, and then went back for more so they could help others.
As a reminder, here’s what I bring to the table if you want to compare notes.